Today Will Be A Good Day

Today will be a good day. 

Setting a very basic, and general intention for the day.  I am not trying to make today any more that it is.  I will follow the path that the leads me down.  My goals for today are simply to laugh and to love. 

I find at times, upon waking, I want to plan out my entire day, my entire week, my whole life.  Yet, who knew, - life doesn't work out the way you want it to.  Within an hour, life has jumbled my whole plan!  Therefore, just for today, I will take every moment as it comes.  I will relish in the teachings of each second.  I will observe the pause of the breath.  I will listen to the pause of action in the house. 

I will hug my daughter until she lets go.  I will smile at a stranger as I walk down the street.  I will be the me that I know I can be.  

And, if I fail.  I will notice it, and I will pick myself right up again. I will simply go back to my intention of having a good day for I know life, like mediation, never is perfect and never will be. Clouds will come, and clouds will go, but the art of the practice is to let the it all occur.

As a reference some moms may be able to relate to, there is a book, titled Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons created and illustrated by James Dean.

"My buttons, my buttons, my four groovy buttons.  Oh no- one of my buttons popped off and rolled away.  Did Pete Cry, Goodness No, Buttons come and Buttons Go.  He kept on singing his song..."

For today, I will let the buttons roll away and still be happy. :)


It Has Been Quiet

