Tapping into your Heart Wisdom ❤
Getting too lost in spirituality at times causes an abundance of questions. Am I getting an intuitive hit? Am I acting out of fear or ego? The question then becomes, what do I trust? How do I know it is my my soul speaking to me? It took years of struggle, of looking outside for me to remember that the answers are all within. Now, to calm these thoughts, I tune into my heart.
Sitting quietly, I slow my breath. Breathing in for a count of four, breathing out for a count of four, and gently pausing at the top of the inhale and the bottom of the exhale. I allow a slight smile to come to the corners of my lips and the corners of my eyes, causing an energetic lift in my entire body. I then gently tuck my chin so there is a long line of energy from the base of my spine to the top of my head. I place one hand on my heart and the other on top. I continue in the manner, breathing in and out through my heart chakra, feeling a pillar of energy, of light, continue from the sky above to the earth below.
After a few minutes, if I am seeking specific guidance, I ask myself a yes or no question. Tuning within, I listen for my heart's wisdom. If on the next inhale I feel my heart and lungs expand, the answer is yes. If on the next inhale the breath feels constrained, the answer is now.
You can try this exercise with a simple question. Once you have closed your eyes, slowed your breath and connected with your heart. Repeat the statement, "my name is ____" and feel how your heart, your chest, your lungs expands. Then repeat the statement substituting another name; the contraction will occur. Repeat this throughout the day or whenever you have a question and want your heart's guidance. As you become more in tune with your inner self, the answers will be easier to discern. You will be able to follow your own heart an allow it to lead you in love.
If you want more guidance, you can reach out to me at susie@soullovesg.com