I am here to provide you with peace, clarity and joy before and after your divorce.

Whether you find yourself navigating the waters of divorce or ready to start dating again, I am here to guide you towards manifesting your ideal relationship while safeguarding your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. With my unique 4-step process, we will work to empower you to find peace and nurturing throughout the many stages of divorce.

My Comprehensive 4 Step Process


Deepen your Self Worth


Overcome your Blocks


Empowered Thoughts


Aligning your Energy

I understand the frustration that can accompany healing from a divorce. I want you to hold onto hope – the peace you yearn for, the authentic direction you crave is within reach.


Connecting with the Universe Through Energy

In our everyday lives, amidst the hustle and the tangible, physical elements that surround us, there exists something infinitely more profound and less visible — the vibrant, humming energy that interlaces the very fabric of the universe. This unseen force connects us all, whispering secrets of the cosmos into the ears of those who choose to listen.

I’m Susanna- you can call me Susie. I started my journey into guiding my clients through their divorces as an attorney. I saw a huge gap to fill in this space when it came to helping my clients with the tools they needed to not only “get through” their divorce, but heal from the entire process.

I have a ton of life experience, and with my education spanning from my law degrees to my 200 hour Reiki master certification, I’ve been trained in it. When combined, these give me the tools and edge to help you get the results you’re desiring in the fastest amount of time as possible.

If you’re looking for the guidance from someone who will give it to you straight, light a fire under you but give you the most loving hug and crack some jokes at the same time, then I’m your woman. My clients get amazing results because I don’t let them get in their own way and I’m with them every. single. step. of. the. way.